

中文 / 日本語

"What kind of rhythm represents Taiwan?"
A question from an artist of Pacific Islands has triggered off Suming's motivation for this album. It has taken 5 years to find the answer, and that rhythm has been discovered, which we call - Bondada.

Based on the feeling of yearning, and using facial features as the song titles to imply different kinds of emotions, these are the concepts of this album. The ideas of Sleeping, Dreaming, and Awaking connect every song in this album, and describe different kinds of yearning that complete the puzzle of a complete face. A face that reminds you of a memory from the dreamland.

In order to revive the Bondada rhythm, throughout the songs of this album, you will hear this familiar rhythm that once had a great impact on music culture in Taiwan. Suming integrates this rhythm with various music genres, from electronic and folk, to Amis indigenous music. This album is a call from Bondada. A call to awake the revival of the rhythm.

1. Left Ear

Beauty's Peak

3. Frown

In My Eyes

A Smell of Kindness

Speak Carefully

9. Profile

10. A Dream to Dream